Governor Attendance 2024/25

Category   17.10.24 24.11.24 13.02.25 27.03.25 08.05.25 13.07.25
Principal Mr I Stoneham x x x
Staff Governor
Mrs J Lambert x F x
Parent Governors
Mrs E Lock A x x
Mrs A Maley x x x
 Trustee Appointed Governors Mrs L Sims x x x
Dr N Cunniffe x x A
Mr W Clayton (expired December 24) x x
Mrs S Anderson x x x
Associate Members Ms V Larkins x
Mr J Brock x x
Ms D Warwick x

x Attended the meeting
A Absent
R Remote
F Failed to attend
Attendance not required

Method of recruitment and appointment or election of Governors

  • Parent Governors are appointed by election of parents of students attending the School.
  • Staff Governors are appointed by election of staff employed by the School.
  • Trustee Appointed Governors are appointed by the Board of Trustees
  • Co-opted Governors may be appointed by those Governors who are not themselves co-opted Governors.
  • The Principal automatically becomes an ex officio Governor.
  • Further Governors may be appointed by the Secretary of State for Education

Disclosure of a pecuniary interest 2024/25

Name  Category of Governor Appointed by Term End Disclosure of a pecuniary interest
Mr I Stoneham Principal None
Mrs J Lambert Staff Elected 19.01.2027 None
Ms A Maley Parent Elected 12.12.2025 None
Mrs E Lock Parent Elected 23.1.2027 None
Mrs L Sims Trustee Appointed (formerly parent governor) Governing Body 28.11.2026 None
Dr N Cunniffe Trustee Appointed Governing Body 31.08.2025 None, Governor at Girton College, University of Cambridge
Ms S Anderson Trustee Appointed Governing Body 31.08.2025 None
Mr W Clayton Trustee Appointed Governing Body 20.12.2024 None, Governor at Bedford School.

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